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How to Have Hot Phone Sex

Having a seriously hot sex phone call is something that comes easier to some than others. At one end of the scale, you have those who take to phone sex chat like ducks to water. At the other, you have those who seem hell-bent on making the whole thing a seriously awkward experience.

Truth is, there’s no right and wrong way to go about phone sex. The same also applies to video sex chat, though it’s often much easier when you can actually see the person you’re doing the business with.

The single biggest mistake you can make with phone sex is taking the whole thing too seriously. It’s natural to have nerves, and a certain amount of apprehension can actually be a good thing. People get nervous before sex all the time, but it doesn’t stop them from having it all together.

If you can get past the initial nervousness, you’re basically on the home stretch.  At which point, it’s simply a case of avoiding a handful of common rookie errors. 

Steer clear of the following, and you’ll probably find that the rest takes care of itself. 

Error 1 – Not Setting the Right Mood

You cannot be sexy if you don’t feel sexy at the time. Just as would be the case when planning a real-life conquest, you need to set the right mood to have great phone sex. Put on some romantic music, wear something sexy and light some candles if the mood takes you.

Error 2 – Letting Yourself Get Distracted

In the same sense, you also need to eliminate all possible distractions. Even something as simple as a text message or phone ringing at an inopportune moment can wreck the whole thing. Cut yourself off from the rest of the world for the duration, or it’s not going to happen.

Error 3 – Fear of Sex Toys

Bringing male and female sex toys into the mix holds the key to seriously unforgettable phone sex. Even if you’re not normally the type of person that would go near them, they really can be your best friends. Plus, nobody can see what you’re doing on the other end of the phone, so you don’t have to feel silly about the whole thing. 

Error 4 – Lack of Inspiration

There’s nothing wrong with watching porn while having phone sex. In fact, it could be just about the best thing you can do for inspiration. Put on something appropriate, get yourself fired up, and live out the fantasy verbally with the person on the other end of the phone. Ideal if you are not feeling particularly imaginative at the time.

Error 5 – Going Too Far Too Quickly

Don’t make the mistake of going from zero to 100 immediately. Take your time, build anticipation, and enjoy the experience for what it is. If you’ve got limited time on your hands, consider waiting until you can really revel in the whole thing. Attempting to rush almost always results in failure. 

Error 6 – Using the Wrong Language

It’s also important to avoid the temptation to start talking in a way you wouldn’t normally, just because you think it’s what you should be saying. You still need to be yourself and use the same tone and language you’d use in the bedroom. If you’re not normally foul-mouthed, don’t attempt to be just because you’re on the phone!

Error 7 – Being Too Passive

At the same time, you need to ensure you don’t spend too much time sitting silently on the sidelines. Silence really isn’t sexy – especially where phone sex is concerned. Be proactive and don’t expect your partner to do all the hard work on your behalf. 

Error 8 – Focusing Too Much on The Climax 

Contrary to popular belief, phone sex isn’t exclusively (or even primarily) about reaching orgasm. It’s more about fooling around and enjoying the experience. You’ll be surprised just how much less pressure you feel about the whole thing, when you stop focusing too much on the climax, rather than the conversation.

Error 9 – Expecting Too Much the First Time

Also, a big mistake – don’t fall into the trap of thinking everything will go fantastically the first time around. Chances are, it won’t – it could actually be a disaster! But this is all part of the learning experience. Don’t quit after one failed attempt – learn from your mistakes and move on.

Error 10 – Not Getting Enough Practice In

Last but not least, practice makes perfect with phone sex. If looking to get in as much practice as possible, there are plenty of phone sex lines available on demand. Perfect for practising and a great opportunity to learn a thing or two, which could make your next phone sex chat even steamier. 

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